When steeped, these herbs create a beautiful pink drink and wonderful aroma. It stimulates the senses and gently supports the kidneys and liver in a healthy detox process to promote healthy, clear skin and boost energy. This refreshing blend has a delicious floral flavor and aroma. Great for anyone looking to detox, cleanse or lose weight in a healthy and safe way.
❀ Ginger Root : is most commonly used for digestive upset, but has many health benefits! It has anti-inflammatory properties to help relieve swelling and pain, relieves arthritis, rheumatism and muscle spasms, stimulates circulation, purifies the blood, cleanses the bowels and kidney, it nourishes the skin and helps it to clear up. The possibilities are endless with ginger!
❀ Dandelion Root : an herb that is great for the liver and kidneys, it has traditionally used for jaundice, gall stones and constipation. It’s also great at preventing UTI’s. Dandelion is packed with nutrition, vitamins and minerals that leave the body feeling healthy and restored.
❀ Holy Basil : this adaptogen is used to counter life’s stresses. Considered a sacred plant by the Hindus, it has been used to manage anxiety and stress, diabetes and high cholesterol, lower inflammation and lower blood sugar. Holy basil has pain relieving propreties, antioxidants, anti-aging, and helps balance serotonin and dopamine.
❀ Rose Petals : roses add a beautiful aroma and flavor to this tea, but also has added health benefits that aid the liver and kidneys and improve circulation. It is high in vitamin C to help strengthen the immune system.
❀ Schizandra Berries : these nutrient dense berries have powerful antioxidant and apoptogenic properties. Schizandra berries function to enhance the body’s natural resistance to stressful influences, support mental endurance and promote overall metabolic efficiency. This herb does a wonderful job at helping the liver detox.
❀ Honey Bush : one of the most delicious, naturally sweet herbs that strengthens the immune system, lowers inflammation, and accelerates metabolism. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals and is an overall wonderful herb!
*This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You are responsible for communicating with your doctor before the consumption of this product.
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